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Audition for performance opportunity at Dixon Place on May 27th

Audition for performance opportunity at Dixon Place on May 27th


Sandra Kramerova & Artists


Dixon Place
New York, NY


Saturday, January 28, 2017 - 1:00pm



Sandra Kramerova & Artists

Photo: Ian Douglas

Sandra Kramerova & Artists is looking for movers with convincing physical presence and strong contemporary and improvisation technique to perform in evening-length performance at Dixon Place on May 27th 2017. Sandra Kramerova’s creative process embodies risk, rigorous expression and visceral conceptual experience reflecting cultural and social inquiry. Her choreographic work bridges total theatre with raw fluidity, surprise, muscular precision and emotional intimacy.

If you are a passionate mover and artist interested in process based performance opportunity, email your Resume, a short video of yourself dancing and a brief statement of interest to sandy006@gmail.com.

The audition will take place on Saturday January 28th 2017 from 1 to 3pm. The location will be emailed to you upon invitation to participate. Rehearsals will happen twice a week with exact schedule TBD. There will be a small rehearsal stipend and a performance fee.

We will be looking forward to receiving your submissions!

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