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LEIMAY Works: Open Call for Performers

LEIMAY Works: Open Call for Performers




LEIMAY: 58 Grand St. Brooklyn, Brooklyn, 11249


Tuesday, January 6, 2015 - 8:00pm


LEIMAY Artistic collaborators Ximena Garnica and Shige Moriya seek female and male dancers and/or highly physically-trained performers to join their team for LEIMAY’s 2015 performance season. Committed individuals will take part in the creation of future work and educational programs.  Artists with strong classical technique, contemporary dance training,  and/or theater artists are encourage to audition.  Individuals who are willing to challenge themselves, are open to creating a unique idiosyncratic instinct-rooted yet highly prolific movement, to explore their physical virtuosity and mental adaptability, and are interested in contributing to the development of interdisciplinary performance are encouraged to audition.

Those interested must…

-possess strong and versatile physical capabilities and improvisational skills
-feel comfortable contributing material towards LEIMAY choreography
-be willing to explore and utilize the voice as part of the body
-Have an interest in attending the workshops of LEIMAY guest teachers (this includes butoh artists and theater arts akin to the Grotowski tradition)
-be comfortable performing completely nude

*Reservation Is Required

To request a reservation to the audition-workshop, email a statement of interest, current headshot, resume, and reel (if available) to: assistant@leimay.org by January 6, 2015. After submitting these items you will be contacted with the full audition details.

Audition will take the form of a two-day (10 hour) group workshop on January 10 & 11, 2015 from 9:30am-2:30pm at our studio located in Williamsburg, Brooklyn (58 Grand Street). Call-backs will take place on January 14 as a 15-20 minute individual interview with the Artistic Directors.

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