Nimbus Dance Works Company Audition & Nimbus2: 2017-18 Season

Nimbus Dance Works
Nimbus Dance Works Announces Company Auditions for 2017-18 Season + pre-audition Repertory Workshops
Nimbus Dance Works Audition: Friday, May 12
Repertory Workshops: May 8 & May 9
Seeking Male & Female Dancers for Company, Apprentice, & Nimbus2 positions for the 2017-18 Season
Audition Dates/Times:
Audition Date: Friday, May 12th
Gibney Dance Center - 890 Broadway, New York NY
Slot #1: 9am-12noon
Slot #2: 6-9pm
Callbacks: Monday, May 15th
Nimbus Dance Works Studio - 209 3rd Street, Jersey City, NJ
10am - 3:30pm
Send Resume, Headshot, and Performance Reel (if available) to AND Indicate your preference for an AM or PM time slot on 5/12. You will receive an email with audition time. Audition Fee: $8 (advance registration by 5/1)/$10 (after 5/1)
Go to to pre-register
(fee waived if registered for both repertory workshops).
About Available Positions:
Nimbus Dance Works seeks male and female company, apprentice, and Nimbus2 dancers for the 2017-18 Season. Dancers should have professional experience and excellent modern and ballet technique. Nimbus seeks professional dancers who are: committed to working at a high technical level; adventurous collaborators; responsible group members; interested in community impact through the arts.
About Nimbus Dance Works:
Nimbus' repertory includes work by Artistic Director Samuel Pott and by guest choreographers, including Pedro Ruiz, Charles Moulton, Francesca Harper, Darshan Singh Bhuller, Huang Yi, Korhan Basaran, and by historic choreographers Charles Weidman and Pearl Primus. With a home studio in Jersey City, the company performs twice annually in Jersey City, annually in New York City, and on tour. The company also conducts extensive community and educational work weaving together high level concert dance and community engagement. Company contracts consist of approximately 30 weeks of work including rehearsal and performance periods, touring, and teaching. All rehearsals, performances, and teaching are paid at competitive rates. Contract begins mid-September.
About Nimbus2
Consisting of 6 young dance professionals, Nimbus2 performs repertory for young and adult audiences, expanding the reach of dance to populations across the tri-state area. Developing a new generation of Nimbus artists within Nimbus' aesthetic, repertory and approach, Nimbus2 provides a rigorous and inspiring environment for dancers to grow. Through performance of their own repertory, performances with Nimbus Dance Works including Jersey City Nutcracker, and community engagement, Nimbus2 represents an exciting new branch of the organization.
Repertory Workshops
Join Nimbus Artistic Director Samuel Pott and Nimbus company members to learn works from Nimbus' repertory including work-in-process Esther, and Surface Tension. Each workshop will include a warm-up class followed by in-depth examination into the choroegraphy and creative process of each work.
(Note: Company Audition will include phrases from Repertory Workshops)
Workshop 1: Esther - Monday May 8, 10am-2pm
Workshop 2: Surface Tension: Tuesday May 9, 10am-2pm
Gibney Dance Center - 890 Broadway, New York NY
Cost: $35 (advance registration by 5/1); $45 (after 5/1)
Audition fee waived if registered for both workshops
Register at