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45TH DANCE ON CAMERA FESTIVAL: "Alive & Kicking" and "349"

45TH DANCE ON CAMERA FESTIVAL: "Alive & Kicking" and "349"


The Film Society of Lincoln Center and Dance Films Association


Walter Reade Theater
New York, NY


Monday, February 6, 2017 - 8:30pm



The Film Society of Lincoln Center and Dance Films Association

Alive & Kicking
Susan Glatzer, USA, 2016, 84m
Sneak Preview

For many, swing dance is an addiction and a joyful practice. This documentary is an insider’s look into the culture of the current swing dance world and an examination of the social and personal issues that affect the lives of the film’s subjects. What is remarkable is that no matter how tough things get, these men and women find their bliss doing what they love to do. On the dance floor they virtually explode with energy—leaping, twisting, revolving. There’s no way the viewer can keep still or not feel the joy. A Magnolia Pictures release.

Screening with:
Kristen Lauth Shaeffer, USA, 2015, 3m

A dance piece based on the idea that we are all imperceptibly connected, created with hundreds of pencils and hundreds of hands. Videotaped and converted into a series of still frames, the drawings—scanned, sequenced, and synced to music—are the basis of the final animation that turns “349” amateur artists into a powerful community.
Monday, February 6, 8:30pm

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