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Dancing While Black: "Epic Memory Lab" - Conceived & Led by Nia Love

Dancing While Black: "Epic Memory Lab" - Conceived & Led by Nia Love


Nia Love


BAAD! Bronx Academy of Arts and Dance


Saturday, May 13, 2017 - 6:00pm



Nia Love

We will come together to share age-old traditions located in the preparations and care takings of our homes. This gathering is inspired by Nia Love’s need to reconnect and redirect her diet after age 50 (women of the yam). We will share food, recipes, stories and heirlooms.

Get Tickets HERE

This May We Celebrate Five Years of Dancing While Black!

Our first event was in May 2012 at BAAD! It's been an honor to continue this partnership each year and we look forward to all the ways our relationship with them and YOU will continue to grow.

Look out for more anniversary goodness throughout the next year! We've got plenty to celebrate!

Photo by Cicely Lovefully

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Are you going to see this show, or have you seen it? Share "your" review here on The Dance Enthusiast. Your words are valuable. They help artists, educate audiences, and support the dance field in general. There is no need to be a professional critic. Just click through to our Audience Review Section and you will have the option to write free-form, or answer our helpful Enthusiast Review Questionnaire, or if you feel creative, even write a haiku review. So join the conversation.

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