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"In Pursuit of Happiness" by Anabella Lenzu/ DanceDrama

"In Pursuit of Happiness" by Anabella Lenzu/ DanceDrama


Anabella Lenzu/DanceDrama


Goddard Riverside Community Center/ Bernie Wohl Auditorium
593 Columbus Avenue
New York, NY 10024


Saturday, February 18, 2017 - 7:30pm



Anabella Lenzu/DanceDrama

Goddard Riverside Community Center presents:

In Pursuit of Happiness by Anabella Lenzu/DanceDrama 

Saturday, February 18 at 7:30pm

Choreography: Anabella Lenzu

Direction: Daniel Pettrow

Dancers: Lauren Ohmer & Anabella Lenzu

Music Landscape: Todd Carroll

Photo Projections: Anabella Lenzu


What does it mean to disappear? In Pursuit is a dance-theater piece that explores the themes of death, memory, disappearance, and hope through a collage of juxtapositions.

"I want the happiness that comes from both remembering and from fighting against remembering. A happiness that includes the sadness, pain and injury of experience but also goes forward. Not memory that works like an anchor, but like a catapult. Not a memory that you just arrive at, but one that’s a launch pad." Eduardo Galeano

In Pursuit of Happiness is an ongoing daily memory trip to remember and honor Mrs. Lenzu’s father, Antonio, who served as her guide and scaffolding. From a vibrating silence emerges unexpected meaning, so profoundly personal that is anonymous and universally accessible.

TICKETS $15: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/in-pursuit-of-happiness-tickets-31521946992



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