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Washington National Opera: "Champion" by Terence Blanchard

Washington National Opera: "Champion" by Terence Blanchard


Terence Blanchard


Works & Process at the Guggenheim
New York, NY


Sunday, February 12, 2017 - 7:30pm



Terence Blanchard

Washington National Opera: Champion by Terence Blanchard
Sunday, February 12, 7:30pm

Five-time Grammy award-winning composer Terence Blanchard tells the true story of Emile Griffith in this haunting and visually stunning "opera in jazz." This work explores the life of the closeted gay boxer whose knockout of a homophobic rival in the early 1960s led to unexpected tragedy. Artistic director Francesca Zambellomoderates a discussion with Blanchard and members of the cast following performance excerpts.

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