IMPRESSIONS: binbinFactory

IMPRESSIONS: binbinFactory
Trina Mannino/Follow @Trinamannino on Twitter

By Trina Mannino/Follow @Trinamannino on Twitter
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Published on February 29, 2012

IMPRESSIONS: binbinFactory
Joyce Soho, New York
Friday, February 24 , 2012 at 7:30pm
Satoshi Haga and Rie Fukuzawa: Creators and Performers

Trina Mannino for The Dance Enthusiast

The duo behind binbinFactory, Satoshi Haga and Rie Fukazawa, are Japanese natives with eclectic resumes that include juggling, clowning, and composing music and visual art. These “extracurricular” activities find their way into the four works presented at The Joyce Soho on Friday adding a layer of originality and humor.

Myuuuuuuuu….. is a video of pencil drawings created by Haga. Images of circles and inkblots move across the screen in a fluid, choreographed manner. I fall into a deep meditative state as a graphite eye morphs into a series of shaded circles that turn into thousands of dots.

Photo Courtesy of binbinFactory

Fukuzawa and Haga are not afraid to utilize silence, slow motion, or repetition and these components add drama and clarity to the performance. Two in a Wild Fancy includes a lot of walking, but what makes the steps captivating is the dancers’ precision. Haga stands directly behind Fukuzawa only a few inches away from her back. The pair tread slowly and carefully — their toes hit the floor the same exact time, their heads tilt at the exact same angle and their arms sway with the same amount of force. Their bodies work well together— Fukazawa’s torso fits nicely on top of Haga as if the two are puzzle pieces meant to meld.

Thread misses the dynamic precision and innovative elements that make the other works in the evening exciting and unexpected. Haga’s left fingertips are connected to Fukazawa’s right throughout almost the entire work. Although the dancers create beautiful wave-like gestures, the work is too long to rely on this one concept. A change in rhythm, speed or sound would be welcome.

The final work of the evening, a premiere, The Same, Only Different, shakes up the night with its humor, club beats, bright red jumpsuits and silly animal score. Haga shines while acting like a male mother hen to Fukuzawa. He sports big hipster glasses, pads his middle (giving him a decided paunch) and wears a goofy grin across his face. Fukuzawa diligently follows his every move, like a pupil appeasing her teacher. Haga and Fukuzawa are at their best when unguarded and silly.
Photo Courtesy of binbinFactory


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