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Matthew Westerby Company Youth Dance Platform (DEADLINE: FEBRUARY 6)

Matthew Westerby Company Youth Dance Platform (DEADLINE: FEBRUARY 6)


Matthew Westerby Company


Hudson Guild Theatre
441 West 26th Street
New York, NY 10010


Monday, January 23, 2023 - 12:00am daily through February 6, 2023



Matthew Westerby Company

Matthew Westerby Company’s mission is to build community through the arts - an element of this is creating opportunities for young people to participate in the professional performing arts in a non-competitive, supportive & inclusive setting, broadening their experiences and developing networks between organizations in NYC & beyond.

As part of MWC’s 2023 performance season at the Hudson Guild Theatre, the Company will present a Youth Dance Platform on Saturday April 22. MWC invites applications from youth dance-focused organizations and performing groups from NYC & beyond to present dance works as part of the Platform, in any genre of dance. MWC will present 10-12 youth dance companies in performance, as well as hosting a pre-show movement workshop for all to participate in.

The Platform is designed with teen-age dancers in mind, however all applications will be considered. All interested applicants should fill out the Google Form (see link below), where detailed information about the Platform can be found. The deadline to apply is Monday, February 6 at 5 PM. Any questions, please contact matthewwesterbycompany@gmail.com - we look forward to hearing from you!


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