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Dancewave’s Summer Dance Intensive & Advanced Summer Dance Intensive

Dancewave’s Summer Dance Intensive & Advanced Summer Dance Intensive




45 4th Ave
Brooklyn, NY 11217


Saturday, March 4, 2017 - 5:00pm daily through July 1, 2017




Dancewave’s Summer Dance Intensive is a focused training experience featuring diverse technique classes with renowned artists. Program classes include Modern, West African Dance, Hip Hop, Bhangra, and Ballet Repertory. Auditions are required and will determine appropriate student placement in Dancewave’s summer intensive programs.

Audition Dates:
May 24, 2017 5:00-6:30PM FREE
June 5, 2017 5:00-6:30PM Modern Drop-in Class, $18 or class card
June 19, 2017 5:00-6:30PM Modern Drop-in Class, $18 or class card
July 17, 2017 5:00-6:30PM Modern Drop-in Class, $18 or class card
July 31, 2017 5:00-6:30PM Modern Drop-in Class, $18 or class card

Dancewave’s Advanced Summer Dance Intensive is a focused training experience featuring rigorous technique classes with renowned artists Nik Owens, Antonio Brown, and Caroline Fermin (Ballet).

Join Dancewave for an immersive experience, including one-on-one college preparatory workshops and public performance opportunities. Auditions are required to attend this intensive and will determine appropriate placement. Find the complete audition schedule, pricing information, and tentative daily class schedule click here. To register for an audition click here. Space is limited. Sign up today!

Find us on Facebook, Instagram, & Twitter to stay updated on all news @Dancewave.

Auditions will be held at Dancewave 45 Fourth Avenue Brooklyn NY 11217

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