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Dividing the Pie: Equitable Approaches to Pay in Art Organizations

Dividing the Pie: Equitable Approaches to Pay in Art Organizations


Bridge Live Arts


Online via Zoom
San Francisco, CA 94122


Wednesday, September 7, 2022 - 12:00pm



Bridge Live Arts

⧫ DIVIDING THE PIE: Equitable Approaches to Pay in Art Organizations ⧫

A webinar for anyone working in the arts on alternatives to racialized capitalism for equitable employee compensation. Featuring case studies from the Sustainable Economies Law Center, presented by Alejandra Cruz, Erika Sato, Hope Williams & Alex Sanchez. Presented by Bridge Live Arts' "Money in the Arts: Pathways to Equity" series.

➤ Wednesday SEPTEMBER 7, 12-1 PM (PDT), online via Zoom

➤ TICKETS: $10 - $50 sliding scale for individuals / $25 - $200 sliding scale for organizations 


? BIPOC Subsidy: As part of Money in the Arts, we are providing ten subsidies to participants that identify as Black, Indigenous, and/or as People of Color (BIPOC). Each subsidy allows someone to register for all three workshops for only $10. Please email admin@bridgelivearts.org to access this support.

If you require closed captioning or ASL interpretation to participate in this event, please contact admin@bridgelivearts.org by August 1, 2022 with your access needs.



Let’s talk tactics: how do arts organizations in search of alternatives to racialized capitalism equitably compensate their employees? In the Dividing the Pie webinar, we’re sharing out what Sustainable Economies Law Center has learned in its compensation journey from offering flat salaries to more creative pathways in the vein of BIPOC reparations. We hope you’ll join us in this practical breakdown of the tips, tricks, and lessons regarding equitable compensation that we’ve learned along the way.


ABOUT SELC | The Sustainable Economies Law Center (SELC) cultivates a new legal landscape that supports community resilience and grassroots economic empowerment. They provide essential legal tools - education, research, advice, and advocacy - so communities everywhere can develop their own sustainable sources of food, housing, energy, jobs, and other vital aspects of a thriving community. Learn more at theselc.org

ABOUT THE BRIDGE LIVE ARTS |   Bridge Live Arts (B.L.A.) creates and supports equity-driven live art that  centers artists as agents of change. 


Photo (left to right): Alejandra Cruz, Erika Sato, Hope Williams, & Alex Sanchez.

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