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Mindset & Money

Mindset & Money


Bridge Live Arts


Online via Zoom
San Francisco, SF 94122


Saturday, September 24, 2022 - 10:00am



Bridge Live Arts


Money management approaches and financial self advocacy for artists and anyone working in the arts. Facilitated by Erika R. Moore. Presented by Bridge Live Arts "Money in the Arts: Pathways to Equity" series. 

➤ Saturday SEPTEMBER 24, 10 AM - 12 PM (PDT), Online via Zoom

➤ TICKETS: $10 - $50, sliding scale


? BIPOC Subsidy: As part of Money in the Arts, we are providing ten subsidies to participants that identify as Black, Indigenous, and/or as People of Color (BIPOC). Each subsidy allows someone to register for all three workshops for only $10. Please email admin@bridgelivearts.org to access this support.

If you require closed captioning or ASL interpretation to participate in this event, please contact admin@bridgelivearts.org by August 24, 2022 with your access needs.



Facilitated by Erika R. Moore,  Mindset & Money is an engaging, high-energy, humorous workshop, filled with diverse perspectives on, life, career, and choice. Participants in the workshop are introduced to a holistic approach to money management, starting with uncovering their money blueprint. This workshop will cover topics around requesting, negotiating, and advocating for compensation/pay within artistic contexts. It will also provide support for articulating where one is, where they will like to go, and how to get there with money as a tool/resource.


ABOUT ERIKA R. MOORE  |   Erika R. Moore is an international speaker, teacher, facilitator, coach, and artists providing freelancers and artists the structure they need to thrive in the changing economic landscape. Erika has over ten years of experience managing artists, including herself, producing shows and programming for world-renowned performing artists. She has taught university and K - 12 courses on creativity, dance, and the business of the arts. Erika's signature talk, The Art of Leadership, has been presented to over 5,000 students at the Women's Leadership Form in Hunan, China, and small group settings throughout the U.S. Her earnest desire is to see artists equipped with the financial and business acumen they need to thrive in their industries. She accomplishes this by providing a creative approach to leadership and development training, her free mindset and money webinars, and feedback sessions booked as a certified facilitator with the Critical Response Process.

ABOUT BRIDGE LIVE ARTS   |   Bridge Live Arts (B.L.A.) creates and supports equity-driven live art that  centers artists as agents of change. 


Photo of Erika R. Moore, courtesy of the artist.

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