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Q&A with Artist Faculty about Curriculum in Motion® (VIRTUAL)

Q&A with Artist Faculty about Curriculum in Motion® (VIRTUAL)


Jacob's Pillow


358 George Carter Road
Becket, MA 01223


Thursday, June 2, 2022 - 7:00pm



Jacob's Pillow

Curious to know more about the year-long, online institute for choreographers and dance-makers? Join Artist Faculty Celeste Miller, Kimberli Boyd, and Michael Richter in a 45-minute Q&A about this program, including a little taste of the kind of activities that we will explore together in the Institute.

Thursday, June 2 at 7pm EST - Register for Q&A

This training program in the Curriculum in Motion® method is designed as a co-creative workshop/residency model applying choreographers’ methods to the curriculum, question, issue, or theme of a community partner.

Curriculum in Motion® asks: How can artists, their community partners, and participants build reciprocal relationships with participatory dance-making rooted in the unique choreographic methods of the choreographer?

Curriculum in Motion® pedagogy uses body-based practices to work towards the integration of our art, values, and place in the world.

This intimately curated experience includes:

- Three to five interactive synchronous online modules, with faculty support and feedback
- Up to two in-person modules at Jacob’s Pillow
- One-on-one faculty mentoring, peer-to-peer co-mentoring, and group learning
- Opportunities for creative exchanges
- A certificate of completion
- A meaningful and active network of peers
- A chance to join the roster of esteemed Curriculum in Motion® Artists

Learn more and apply today

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