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TONIGHT! Get Your Yoga Fix After Work!

TONIGHT! Get Your Yoga Fix After Work!




Cumbe: Center For African and Diaspora Dance | 1368 Fulton St
Brooklyn, NY


Tuesday, September 25, 2018 - 7:30pm weekly through December 18, 2018




Tonight! Reset in Kemetic Yoga! We are featuring in alternating weeks, Afro Flow Yoga™ and Kemetic Yoga every Tuesday after work. Check out the classes below: 

Kemetic Yoga - In this biweekly class, students are introduced to yoga from an African perspective. Kemetic Yoga comes from one of the oldest known civilizations which is ancient Egypt, also called Kemet. Kemetic Yogaskills Method founded by Yirser Ra Hotep is a healing and meditative yoga.
Tuesdays - @7:30pm-9:00pm | $16

Afro Flow Yoga™ - Come experience joy and elation through movement and sound. Afro Flow Yoga™ infuses electrifying dance movements of the African Diaspora that flow into a meditative yoga sequence of gentle yet powerful stretches.
Tuesdays - @7:30pm-9:00pm | $16

Yoga for Us - Yoga for Us is a donation based community yoga class that provides a space of freedom and comfort for every single person who walks into the studio. We focus on uniting breath with movement, thereby, establishing a moving meditation. 
Saturdays - @11:00am-12:00pm | $Donation

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