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Pascal Rekoert/ Flexicurve, Carol Nolte/ Dance Collective & Naomi Goldberg Haas/ Dance For A variable Population


Cunningham & Westbeth Community Center


Sunday, March 22, 2009 - 3:00pm

Pascal Rekoert/ Flexicurve, Carol Nolte/ Dance Collective & Naomi Goldberg Haas/ Dance For A variable Population

"Set Of Three", a half day dance festival  
Sunday March 22; 3 PM (workshop), 4PM (dance films) & 7PM (shared performance)

 3PM: interactive dance workshop for older adults led by Naomi Goldberg Haas, FREE!
4PM: Screening of Flexicurve's zany & compelling short dance films, FREE!
7PM: Performance by Carol Nolte/ Dance Collective, Naomi Goldberg Haas/ Dances For A Variable Population & Pascal Rekoert/ Flexicurve, 5, 0 (Seniors/ Students)

Westbeth & Cunningham Studio 
55 Bethune Street (at Washington), New York, NY 10014
Reservations: 212-627-4275

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