A Free Evening bringing together dance, visual arts, and MoCADA!

The Dance Enthusiast + MoCADA
A Free Evening bringing together dance, visual arts, and MoCADA!
Saturday, May 3, 2014
5:00 PM to 7:00 PM
Five Myles Inc
558 Saint Johns Pl, Brooklyn, NY (map)
Dancing While Black + Re: Purpose
MoCADA Curatorial Fellows: Amanda Reid & Ali Rosa-Salas
This Dance Enthusiast MeetUp offers a fascinating (free) evening that brings together innovative artists in visual arts and in dance curated by fellows of the The Museum of Contemporary African Diasporan Arts @ FiveMylesGallery. Re: purpose is a month long exhibition (Apr. 12 - May 4) featuring four New York-based women artists whose creations transform and redefine common domestic and cosmetic objects. For our MeetUp on May 3, movement based artists curated by MoCADA fellows and Dancing While Black, an artist driven initiative, perform solos in response to the works in Re: purpose. Learn about art, dance, and how our identity affects the perception of it all. Join us.
RSVP on the DancEnthusiasts NYC MeetUp Link: http://www.meetup.com/DancEnthusiasts-NYC-getenthused/events/176903782/