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- FRIDAYS AT NOON - Flamenco: Beyond the Body of the Sensuous

- FRIDAYS AT NOON - Flamenco: Beyond the Body of the Sensuous




92Y Harkness Dance Center
New York, NY


Friday, September 16, 2016 - 12:00pm




K. Meira Goldberg, Ninotchka Bennahum and Michelle Heffner Hayes, editors of Flamenco on the Global Stage ; renowned dancer Belén Maya; guitarist Pedro Cortes; and singer José Moreno explore flamenco’s traditions and experimentalism. From flamenco’s roots in European courtly dances, to its embodiment of the loss of Spanish hegemony in the Western hemisphere and Spain’s lost empire, to contemporary voices of rebellion and change, this groundbreaking book and Belén Maya’s choreography articulate exciting new visions.

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