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Sign Up! Blackbird Dance / Oiseau Noir Dance Workshop

 Sign Up! Blackbird Dance / Oiseau Noir Dance Workshop


Blackbird Dance / Oiseau Noir


DANY Studios
New York, NY


Saturday, May 7, 2016 - 5:00pm daily through May 8, 2016
Saturday, May 14, 2016 - 5:00pm daily through May 15, 2016

Blackbird Dance / Oiseau Noir

We're having a workshop! Blackbird dancers Lauren Paxton and Asja Parrish are hosting a 2-week, 4-day workshop. Come learn choreography from Blackbird Dance rep that has been featured around the country and overseas.

Based in New York City, this project-based dance company looks to bring meaningful and relevant dance to today's audience, while enticing you on an emotional journey of what influences you through your daily journeys. We seek to do this through a beautiful language that only a few speak, but one that all understand. Based in New York City, this project-based dance company looks to bring meaningful and relevant dance to today's audience, while enticing you on an emotional journey of what influences you through your daily journeys. We seek to do this through a beautiful language that only a few speak, but one that all understand. 

Each Workshop day will consist of a warm up geared towards building strength within modern dance technique followed by repertory work.  Lauren draws on her work as a professional Pilates Instructor to help you tap into muscular strength while maintaining fluidity in joints.  Asja brings her years of dance training in ballet and modern to offer a blend of techniques that balance groundedness with lightness.

We're capped at 20 dancers, so please email us below with your interest. We'll request that you pay ahead via PayPal to reserve your spot. 

May 7 & 8, 5-7pm @ DANY Studios

May 14 & 15, 5-7pm @ DANY Studios

1 day: $25

2 day deal: $40

The WHOLE workshop (4 days): $80

For contact and questions please email: blackbirddance@gmail.com

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