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11 for $11 for DNA Members


Dance New Amsterdam


Dance New Amsterdam


Saturday, July 7, 2012 - 12:00am



Dance New Amsterdam

11 for 1 Class Cards are back for DNA Members!
July 7-14, 2011

Purchase your 11 for 1 card now*

As a member, you can take advantage of the members-only 11 for 1 sales and members-only 10 and 20-class cards.

Not a member yet? Purchase a membership now to take advantage of the 11 for 1 class card sale and a year's worth of savings on your classes at DNA!

DNA Members pay an average class price of 2.25 per class. Did you know that with a DNA Membership:
- you can save up to 21/year if you take class once a week
- you can save up to 77/year if you take class twice a week
- you can save up to 33/year if you take class three times a week
- you can save up to 89/year if you take class four times a week
- you can save up to 45/year if you take class five times a week

Click here to see our full member benefits and to download a membership registration form.

*Limit one card per customer. Sale ends Saturday, July 14 at 11:59pm. Other rules and restrictions apply.

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