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2 more opportunities to see "Bathtime Studies" this month

2 more opportunities to see "Bathtime Studies" this month


Wednesday, May 1, 2013 - 12:00pm

May 4 & 18. Pre-purchase your tickets online!

"Bathtime Studies: Duet" at CPR's Spring Movement Festival, this Saturday May 4th, 7:30pm.

Photo: Gyrchel Moore and Nadia Tykulsker performing "Bathtime Studies: Descending" on the steps of the Westbeth courtyard in WestFest, this past Sunday. Photo by Deneka Peniston.

Photo by Deneka Peniston

WHAT: "Bathtime Studies: Duet" at Spring Movement at the Center for Performance Research
WHEN: Saturday May 4, 7:30pm
WHERE: CPR, 361 Manhattan avenue, Williamsburg, Brooklyn
L train to Graham ave
HOW: Pre-purchase tickets HERE
Tickets are 0. You can purchase them with cash at the door as well, however, pre-purchasing is highly recommended!
WHO: Dancing by Gyrchel Moore and Nadia Tykulsker, Sound design by Zach Dunham, Choreography by EmmaGrace Skove-Epes. Other choreographers on the bill are Kirsten Schnittner, Nora Stephens, and Alexa Wilson
WHY: Well......there's an essay length answer, which I'll spare you here. One short answer: because we've been working hard, and it's time to share our work with YOU!

2 more opportunities to see "Bathtime Studies" this month.


This has been a packed month of performing, and it is starting to wind down. We have 2 more performances of "Bathtime Studies", so if you have been meaning to come but have not made it yet, now is the time! We are moving on to another iteration, "Bathtime Studies: Duet". Gyrchel Moore and Nadia Tykulsker will be performing this duet this Saturday May 4th at 7:30pm at CPR's "Spring Movement" Festival and then Saturday May 18th at 8pm at AUNTS' "Time Share: Chain Curation."

If you plan on coming to the show at CPR, I highly recommend buying tickets beforehand, as the theater is small, and I will be sharing the bill with three other choreographers. You can do so HERE.

While we are showing the same piece at each of these shows, the events themselves will be quite different from one another, and the piece is bound to be experienced differently based on the different contexts that these events will provide. CPR is a theater where there will be seating for the audience, while AUNTS (at Arts@Renassaince in Greenpoint) will have many performances (by many choreographers) happening in different rooms simultaneously, with the option for the audience to wander from one to the next as they choose. So, choose your preferred viewing experience, or try them both out!

And to reiterate, this is a different piece than all of the others we have performed so far. It shares bits of material, dancers (whole dancers, not bits of them:)), props, and part of the same name. This "study" features a new structure/form and new sound design by Zach Dunham. The atmosphere and mood of this piece overlap with the other "studies" we have performed to some extent, but so far, this one feels like the biggest departure. If you've seen other versions, would love for you to see this one and potentially get into a (loving) argument with you about whether or not that's true.

Hope to see you there.
With love,

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