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Summer intensive Worshop

Summer intensive Worshop


Anabella Lenzu/DanceDrama


CRS (Center for Remembering and Sharing)


Monday, June 14, 2010 - 10:00am
Tuesday, June 15, 2010 - 10:00pm
Wednesday, June 16, 2010 - 10:00am
Thursday, June 17, 2010 - 10:00am
Friday, June 18, 2010 - 10:00am
Saturday, June 19, 2010 - 7:00pm



Anabella Lenzu/DanceDrama

Anabella Lenzu / DanceDrama
Summer Intensive Workshop
June 14 -18th, 2010
(Monday- Friday 10am-1pm)

1 week of Intensive Dance with final performance in the
3rd Annual Ciao Italy Performing Arts Festival.

@ CRS (Center for Remembering and Sharing)
123 4th Avenue, 2nd Floor. New York, NY 10003


Dear Friends & Dancers,
This is the moment I have been working towards for a long time...offering The First Annual Summer Intensive of Anabella Lenzu / DanceDrama. It is 1 week workshop that focuses on shaping, developing and broadening your potential as a dancer/ performer with an emphasis on performance skills, a place and time where Dance and Drama converge.

This workshop is intended for serious students who wish to turn their body into a sensitive, vibrating instrument of expression.

AL/DD offers the opportunity to dancers from all over the world at any stage of their career the opportunity to study & perform in New York in a supportive & creative environment. Personal attention given to each student.

Join us in this exciting exploration of DanceDrama!

This workshop explores the principle:
Motion Creates Emotion /Emotion Creates Motion, and emphasizes the use of imagination, interpretation and body coordination/control.

The Summer Intensive program offers:
2 daily classes (Monday-Friday 10am-1pm)
10-11:30am:Technique: DanceDrama Style**
11:30am-1pm: Repertory

The intensive culminates with 1 performance where the participants perform the learned repertory from DanceDrama in the 3rd Ciao Italy Performing Arts Festival in Williamsburg, Brooklyn on Saturday, June 19th.

Deadline for Registration: Friday, June 12th, 2010

Tuition: 50 - (Monday through Friday - 10 classes)
No drop-in classes permitted.

Attention enrollment is limited!!!
15 students maximum (first come first serve)
What is Dance Drama?

For Doris Humphrey, innovator of American Modern Dance, Dance Drama "was rhythmic, it told a story, the body movements were dramatic, not realistic, it had an objective, an audience." From this history, I am creating a vocabulary of meaningful movement that springs directly from emotions with visceral strength.
I organize layers of character driven drama, and break apart quotidian social gestures.
Humphrey understood that, "Dance Drama began at the moment when the first man bridged the separated 'I' and 'you' with 'tell'," inventing "the first movements for telling a memory." Derived from our most basic impulses, my dances use this principle to build the relationships between the individual and society: communication, identity, memory and spirituality, the relationship between people and their environment, the struggle for woman's identity and role in society, and to discover the nobility of the body as a temple for our mind, soul and heart.

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