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2013-14 Space Grant & Artists In Residence

2013-14 Space Grant & Artists In Residence


Monday, February 4, 2013 - 7:35pm

BAX/Brooklyn Arts Exchange supports the arts and artists in progress.


Artists living in all five NYC boroughs are eligible to apply for the Artist In Residence program.

PLEASE NOTE: We are asking artists to submit a LETTER OF INTENT to be selected to submit a full proposal.
Letters of Intent must be submitted electronically by
Friday, April 8th, 2013 at 5:00pm.

Awards will be made for the July 2013-June 2014 period.  
Please note that the residency includes premiere performance of work created at BAX.
Up to two artists will join returning artists in residence. 
Selected artists are provided with a base for development over a one year period (with a possible extension of another full year). BAX will consider original work only, not the re-staging of existing work, and we are deeply invested in developing original voices and work that explores new ground.

Click here for the 2012/13 guidelines, application procedure and online application.

artists can only apply for either the Artist In Residence program or the Space Grant program, NOT BOTH. Duplicate applications will be disqualified.

Summer and Fall BAX SPACE GRANTS
will be considered in dance and in theater

Artists living in BROOKLYN are eligible to apply to the Space Grant program.

Online applications must be submitted electronically no later than Monday, March 25, 2013 at 5:00pm.

A total of seven artists will be selected for the Summer and Fall Space Grants.
The SUMMER SPACE GRANT (June 1 - August 16, 2013) is a work period only and has no performance attached to it.
The FALL SPACE GRANT  (September 3 - December 6, 2013) culminates in a performance showcase scheduled for Friday-Sunday, December 6-8, 2013.
NEW THIS YEAR:  Summer space grantees will participate in a Show & Tell Thursday August 1, 2013 7-9 p.m. showing 5 minutes of work developed and participating in a conversation with other space grantees, Executive Director Marya Warshaw and BAX staff. Fall Space Grantees will have an interim showing Saturday November 2 from 2-4 p.m.
Applicants can choose either work period in their application.
Click here for the 2013 guidelines, application procedure and online application.
 PLEASE NOTE: artists can only apply for either the Artist In Residence program or the Space Grant program, NOT BOTH. Duplicate applications will be disqualified.

About BAX
Founded in 1991, BAX/Brooklyn Arts Exchange is a is a multi-faceted community performing arts center located in Park Slope, Brooklyn offering an annual presenting season, artist services, and educational programs for youth and adults. BAX receives support from city, state and national public and private foundations. Our programs have been featured in several Brooklyn, NYC, and national publications, celebrating our continued support of artists of all ages.

For more information about BAX and its programs please call 718-832-0018 or visit us on the web at www.bax.org.

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