"30-30-30": An Annual Dance Benefit for Dixon Place Theater

Dixon Place Theater
An Annual Event Benefiting Dixon Place Dance Programs
Join Dixon Place for a very special finale saluting the dancemakers who grace our stage and screen. On Monday, December 30, 30 dance companies showcase 3 minutes of work each, saluting the close of the 38th Anniversary Season of NYC’s pre-eminent artistic incubator.
Supporting Dixon Place helps bring together visionary artists and adventurous audiences. Your year end gift strengthens the community during this formidable time. We’re very grateful for your donations!
Event Details:
Event Page - http://dixonplace.org/performances/30-30-30-2024/
Produced & curated by Sangeeta Yesley, Creative Performances.
Run time: 120 minutes approximately with an intermission.
$30 - General Admission
$60 - Dixon Aficionados
$90 - Triple Support-( 80% tax-deductible)
The 30 Featured Dance Companies:
32nd Pack Dance Company
Choreographers: Rachel Daly and Caroline Sherwood
Website: the32ndpack.squarespace.com
Axons Dance Theatre
Choreographer: Joan Liu
Bahar Dance Ensemble
Choreographers: Julia Kulakova and Angelina Haque
Instagram: @_julia_kulakova &
Cara Leggio (Choreographer)
Instagram: @cara_leggs
Cearuleus Dance Collective
Choreographer: Trevor Ricardo Spencer Jr.
Instagram: @cearuleud
Chutzpah Dance
Choreographer: Erica Isakower
Instagram: @chutzpahdance
Dance Key West
Choreographer: Caitlin Belland
Instagram: @dancekeywest
Dani Medvedovski and Paige Majewski (Choreographers)
Instagram: @dmchoreo and @_paigemajewski86
Empire Dance Company
Dir: Bree Jacobs Choreographers: Claire Coolidge and Lauren Kraynak
Instagram: @empiredancenj
Exceptional Dance Company
Choreographer: Lindsay Gibbons
Instagram: @exceptionaldance
Extensions Dance Project
Choreographer: Kaitlyn Esposito
Website: www.extensionsdanceproject.com
General Mischief Dance Theatre
Choreographer: Richard Sayama
Website: GeneralMischief.com
Gwen Ontiveros (Choreographer)
Instagram: @gwendancesagain
Inclined Dance Project
Choreographer: Kristen Klein
Website: www.inclineddanceproject.com
Jansen and Holm
Choreographer: Krista Jansen and CJ Holm
Website: jansenandholm.wordpress.com
Jiali Wang (Choreographer)
Instagram: @ji_ali_wang
Kaleid Dance Collective
Choreographer: Rush Johnston
Instagram: @Rushj_dance
Martha Lavery (Choreographer)
Instagram: @marmar_out
Mason Lee Dance Theater
Choreographer: Mason Lee
Website: www.masonleedancetheater.org
MoJazz Dance
Choreographer: Audrey Hubbard Madison
Monét Movement Productions: The Collective
Choreographer- Makayla Peterson
Instagram: @mmp.thecollective
Nicole Colbert Dance/Theatre
Choreographer: Nicole Colbert
Website: nicolecolbertdance.com
Olivia Ramsey (Choreographer)
Website: www.oliviaramsey.com
One Day Dance X Six Degrees Dance
Choreographers: Joseph Heitman and Cecly Placenti
Instagram: @sixdegreesdance and @onedaydance
rogue wave
Choreographers: Catherine Messina
Website: catherinemessina.com
Samantha Paulik (Choreographer)
Instagram: @sampaulik
Sneha Subramaniam (Choreographer)
Instagram: @sneha.subramaniam20
The Brooklyn Dance Ensemble
Choreographer: Benjamin Briones
Website: thebrooklyndancecenter.com
Unbound Dance Collective
Choreographer: Maria Perry
Website: www.unbounddancecollective.com
Venkata Krishna Sindhu Kandrapu (Choreographer)
Instagram: @_krishnasindhu_
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