9/11 Table of Silence Project

Buglisi Dance Theatre and 100+ dancers
The 9/11 Table of Silence, a movement for peace created by Jacqulyn Buglisi, returns for the sixth annual year to Lincoln Center's Josie Robertson Plaza (around the Revson Fountain) on Sunday September 11th. Choreographer Buglisi, inspired by Italian visual artist Rossella Vasta's sculptural installation of 100 ceramic plates that represent a banquet table uniting humanity, created this performance ritual for peace and healing, which has now been performed in Italy and various U.S. locations, most recently by the U. of Ca/Santa Barbara to honor the student victims of the Isla Vista attack two years ago. Led by the Buglisi Dance Theatre, the 9/11 Table of Silence features 100+ dancers from leading dance companies and schools, and is presented free to the public. The performance begins at 8:15 AM and ends precisely at 8:46 AM, the time the first plane crashed into the North Tower. Given the unrelenting and tragic acts of terror and violence that continue in the world, 9/11 Table of Silence remains as relevant and timely today as when it was first performed six years ago at Lincoln Center. The event will again be live-streamed to all 50 states and to many countries around the world. www.buglisidance.org or www.tableofsilence.org
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