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A Fall Update on Jill Sigman/Thinkdance & BAC showings

A Fall Update on Jill Sigman/Thinkdance & BAC showings




Baryshnikov Arts Center


Friday, October 18, 2013 - 1:00pm, 3:00pm


video still from PERMA(culture) by Marie Guex


Baryshnikov Arts Center Fall Residency & showings

I am at work on a new piece, tentatively titled PERMA(culture). Intrigued by permaculture, an approach to landscape and community design informed by the  systems that occur in nature, I have begun this artistic process by applying permacultural principles to movement structures. I am interested in whether there is some essence of sustainability in the movement that results.

Video still by Marie Guex

We have been working this summer and early fall in outdoor locations in NYC and up the Hudson in Manitou, NY. Thanks to Elise van Oss and Mary Newell for supporting our work in Manitou on Mary's beautiful land.

This Fall, I am honored to have a residency at Baryshnikov Arts Center to continue this process. BAC's residency program provides artists across disciplines with time and space to develop ideas, projects, and collaborations.  

Showing Details: October 18 

BAC will host two work-in-progress studio showings during the day on Friday, October 18 for a peak into our residency process. I hope you will join us:

Jill Sigman Artist Residency  

Work-in-Progress Showings
Oct 18 / Fri at 1PM + 3PM
Studio 4A
Free, reservations are required 

To reserve, click HERE. 

Please reserve in advance-- seating is limited and we want to be sure to have room for you! 


Collaborating Artists:


  Larissa Sheldon-video still by Marie Guex 

I am lucky to be joined in this multi-phase exploration by a group of extremely talented artists! These include dancers Donna Costello, Anice Jeffries, Kate Kernochan, Gary Lai, Paloma McGregor, Larissa Sheldon, Ricarrdo Valentine; musicians Kristin Norderval, Cristian Amigo, and Miguel Frasconi; video artist Marie Guex who is making a short dance film based on our work in Manitou; and kymkym who has designed and constructed our beautiful headpieces. And thank you to Abraham Sigman and David Bury for the sod!  


Norway's Ultima Contemporary Music Festival

This September I collaborated with composer Kristin Norderval on a physical-sound installation called Piano, Piano, Pianissimo that was presented at Kunstnernes Hus in Oslo as part of the Ultima Contemporary Music Festival.

photo by Kaia Means

The installation was an exploration of the military dictatorship in Argentina (1976-83) through the use of 8 prepared pianos, a wall of paper, and electronic sound. Through the arrangement of partially dissected and deconstructed pianos, we evoked images of bodies, caskets, and detention cells while sonically allowing the pianos to digest or recover memories of their former selves. In addition to my role as visual design collaborator, I performed in the work for 27 hours, painting the names of the "disappeared" on the wall whenever the installation was open. I painted 1,364 names and used up 3 bottles of brown ink.

photo by Kaia Means

Other Doings
The summer was full of travel. Teaching at the Seattle Festival of Dance Improvisation was wonderful and inspiring. And my preliminary work on PERMA(culture) with Paige Barnes and Scott Davis in Seattle was invaluable.

A recent visit to Rockabilly Farm in North Carolina was equally inspiring. The farm was started by chef Deborah Stanton who supported the company in many ways (including tons of eggshells!) during her NYC days. Check it out on Facebook!

I'm also gearing up (no pun intended) for Hut #9, which will be built at Godsbanen in Aarhus, Denmark in January. Hut #9,  primarily of e-waste, will be a collaboration with composer and sound artist Line Tjornhoj. Line is already collecting discarded electronics for the build!

Thanks to everyone who has been sending photos of their kale plants from the performances of last days/first field. Keep them coming! thinkdance@attglobal.net And keep harvesting!

In Memoriam
The company acknowledges the passing of our colleague Lynn Marie Ruse, a beautiful choreographer, dancer, and person. We offer our condolences to Lynn Marie's family and to Toby Billowitz, our collaborator for many years. 


With best wishes for the Fall,

Jill Sigman


Artistic Director, jill sigman/thinkdance  



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