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A Planetary Culture Approaching‏

A Planetary Culture Approaching‏


Day Eight (DE)




Sunday, October 20, 2013 - 8:00pm

Day Eight (DE)

Dear Friends,

We have several events coming up that I need to let people know about it, and I hope you'll be able to come to one or more than one. Thanks again for reading.

Inner Nature Workshop with Abby Dobbs Sunday October 20
I'm excited to be teaching a workshop on natural connection with Abby Dobbs at Kali Yoga Studio in Columbia Heights on October 20th. Abby and I are both interested in finding ways to live more ecologically harmonious lives. We think disconnection from nature actually allows us to live out of harmony in ways that are not sustainable, or even healthy for us as individuals. We're doing this workshop to explore reconnection with nature through our bodies. As you may know I've been investigating these ideas for several decades (including in my book, Somatic Ecology.) I hope you'll join us for a fun and relaxing dance / yoga / massage workshop, and you can see details and register on the Kali website.

Bourgeon Book Reception in Manhattan Friday October 11
On Friday October 11 I'll be hosting a book signing for the Bourgeon book in Manhattan. Details for the NY event are: Friday October 11th, 7-8:30pm at Paul Michael’s The Network, 242 West 36th St, 3rd Floor. (Facebook invite) I'm grateful for the nice things colleagues have been saying about the book, including Jonathan Katz of the National Assembly of State Arts Agencies who wrote, “The book is full of revelations about works of art, about how artists work… Kudos to Robert Bettmann for giving us the fifty-first work of art, this well conceived and edited book.” If you're in New York hope you'll join me, and if you can't make it to New York you can buy a copy online here.

Humanities Council Funded Partnership with DC Public Libraries: Mt Pleasant Library Workshops and Exhibit with Megan Coyle
Artist Megan Coyle will be showing an exhibit of her artwork at the Mount Pleasant Library opening October 17. Megan will also be teaching two workshops - one for children, and another for adults. The workshop for children is October 12 at 11 am, and the workshop for adults is on October 29 at 7pm. If you or your little loved one is interested in collage art-making, you can register via the DC Public Library Website, or at the Mt. Pleasant Library. Additionally, on October 17 (that's a Thursday) I'll be teaching a workshop for artists about how to write about and promote your artwork at the library.

Thanks again for reading these emails, and I'll end with a few sentences from William Irwin Thompson's great little book The American Replacement of Nature that resonate for me with the upcoming yoga/dance/massage workshop at Kali Yoga:

"So call me an optimist in that I blindly choose to see our dark age as temporary, give or take a century or two. And put me down as a patriot, who saw in the repellent, ugly, and evil of our American society a revelation of a planetary culture approaching us on the other side of catastrophic transformation"

Hope to see you soon!

Robert Bettmann

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