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A Presidents' Day weekend intensive with Premiere Division Ballet

A Presidents' Day weekend intensive with Premiere Division Ballet


Premiere Division Ballet


New York Live Arts
219 West 19th St
New York City, NY 10011


Sunday, February 14, 2016 - 12:00pm
Monday, February 15, 2016 - 4:00pm



Premiere Division Ballet

150$ for both days
100$ for Sunday February 14th
75$ for Monday February 15th

Premiere division workshop is a program where the dancer will learn to solidify and strengthen their classical technique, adding a sense of quality and precision to their movement.  

Having participated in premiere division's workshops, I received the most precise and professional training. Nadege hottier treats her school like a "boutique" in which each student receives the care and attention it takes to create a clean and polished foundation. Premiere division helps dancers create such a strong and secure basis that, I believe, promotes strong versatile dancers.  

Hallie Lahm who has worked with Premiere division for three years


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