ADULT BALLEZ with Katy Pyle & Jules Skloot

Katy Pyle & Jules Skloot
Tuesdays, September 8 - November 10, 7:30 - 9:00pm
$14/Single Class | $60 for a 5-Class Card: drop in, no pre-registration required.
Adult Ballez is a dance class that explores the gender-binaried, Imperialist movements of Ballet, radically re-imagining those oppressive tools within a site of liberatory queer play. Shifting the focus away from traditional virtuosity, we explore the virtuosity of genderqueer embodiment, questioning the value-systems that are physically manifest within us, while we embody them! Starting with Authentic (fantasy) Movement, we warm-up at the barre, then move to center to turn, jump and practice partnering.
Click HERE to learn more about Katy Pyle and The Ballez.