ALBUQUERQUE, NM: Jesús Muñoz Teatro Flamenco Work In Progress
Jesús Muñoz Flamenco
In "Jesús Muñoz Teatro Flamenco", Jesús Muñoz explores new choreographic pieces with a cast of 20 collaborators. Muñoz is known for using tradition as inspiration to create unexpected, original work.
Teatro Flamenco will have two amazing guitar composers working side by side. The legendary, Jose Valle “Chuscales,” and the young and gifted compositional phenom, Mathias Rodriguez. While Rodriguez plans to organize and conduct small group ensembles, virtuoso improvisational legend, Chuscales, will be the first guitarist who will guide the duo through a world of first-hand experience at what it means to be a lifetime touring artist. Combined, the music promises to provide a subliminal trance-like experience. This summer, Muñoz will be using signals to trigger live and pre-recorded ensemble pieces worked out by 15+ musicians such as a saxophone quartets, woodwinds, choral imitation cannons and duo guitar pieces.
Muñoz with his beautiful dance partner, and Rehearsal Director, Amalyah leader, will produce developed work, testing it against the backdrop of new music as well as debuting new choreography. Each week will delve into new choreography with 6 dancers, to keep it fresh and evolving. "Jesús Muñoz Teatro Flamenco” is playing in Albuquerque’s oldest neighborhood, Barelas. Tickets are on Sale Now!
When: May 31-June 30
“Jesús Muñoz Teatro Flamenco”
Friday, Saturday: 7:30pm, $35/55 *discount kids, students, seniors. Please inquire.
All ages
(505) 503-6040