Follow AMD all over DNA at Dance for DNA with free performances, classes and food!
Adele Myers and Dancers' Tara and Kellie will perform a short shagolishous excerpt from"Theater in the Head"!
Join us at 12:10PM, 1:10PM, 2:40PM and 3:45PM at various locations throughout DNA!
Kellie Lynch and Tara Burns will also be performing their very own"Pirates Have Parrots and Parrots Perch"!
Their swashbuckling adventure will begin at 4:35PM in the downstairs lobby!
53 Chambers Street (Manhattan)
Saturday, May 4, 2013 - 11:00AM - 6:00PM
Also performing: Yanira Castro, Urusla Eagly, Alexandra Beller, Kendra Portier, Catherine Galasso, Elena Demyanenko, Julian Barnett, raja kelly | the freath3r theory and Bill Young/Collene Thomas & Co.