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Dance Box Theater, Inc.


Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts - Millennium Stagem


Thursday, October 21, 2010 - 6:00pm
Friday, October 22, 2010 - 6:00pm



Dance Box Theater, Inc.

Affectations is commissioned by the John F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts as part of the 2010 Local Dance Commissioning Project. The evening-length work explores the human body as a metaphor for the cultural systems and structures that exist among our society. Affectations is a dynamic multi-media performance experience aimed at reflecting the human condition and is performed by Laura Schandelmeier, Stephen Clapp and Ilana Faye Silverstein in partnership with installation artist, Lorne Covington and composer James Harkins. The technical and creative collaboration between Harkins and Covington provides the movement-responsive framework, supported by the choreography for this new collaborative performance work. Specialized video cameras will analyze the dancers' positions, speeds and gestures and translate the movement into electronic data. This movement analysis will control video projection onto objects on the set, as well as the dancers themselves. The data will also be transmitted to Harkins' custom software to generate the music in real time. This interactive loop comes full circle as musical information feeds back into the video projection software: the dancers respond to the music and projection, their movements influence both; and the video and audio interface electronically.

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