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All Choreography is too Long Festival: Dig Dance Celebrate Three Decades of Fridays at Noon

All Choreography is too Long Festival: Dig Dance Celebrate Three Decades of Fridays at Noon




Lexington Avenue at 92nd St
New York, NY


Friday, May 19, 2017 - 8:00pm daily through May 20, 2017
Sunday, May 21, 2017 - 3:00pm daily through May 20, 2017




Celebrate Fridays at Noon, 1986-2016, with a raucous string of short choreographies by Fridays at Noon artists seen over the decades.

May 19: 1986-1995
May 20: 1996-2005
May 21: 2005-2016

Thank you, Doris Humphrey for your pithy quote, "All choreography is too long!"

- See more at: http://www.92y.org/Event/All-Choreography-is-Too-Long#sthash.6iLXS7hp.dpuf


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