American Realness: Dana Michel presents "Mercurial George"
Dana Michel
Dana Michel
Mercurial George US PREMIERE
Thursday, January 5, 10:00pm Friday, January 6, 8:30pm Monday, January 9, 4:00pm Tuesday, January 10, 7:00pm
Run Time: 55 minutes
Abrons Arts Center, Experimental Theater
466 Grand Street / Tickets $20 /
Where does identity come from? How do you find it for yourself and how is it placed on you? How can one’s identity register or fail to cohere in relationship to objects, feelings and affectation?
In Mercurial George, Dana Michel is “wading through the hairy rubble of a preliminary anthropological dig” asking “What is the smell of a plethora of someones that you have been avoiding your whole life? What do you do with the body?” Through fragmented gestures, loose and loaded signifiers, sounds and songs, this solo work provides the “ground to test skins” of Michel’s identity; “ideas that may or may not have been imposed.”
Mercurial George was co-produced by Festival TransAmeriques, Tanz Im August, CDC Atelier de Paris-Carolyn Carson, ImPulsTanz, and Chapter with residency support from Usine C, Dansmakers, ImPulsTanz, Actoral/La Friche Belle de Mai, WOOP, CDC Atelier de Paris-Carolyn Carson. Additional support from Conseil des Arts et des Letters du Québec, Canada Arts Council.
Dana Michel receives administrative/development support from Daniel Léciellé danse company as a part of its sponsorship project.
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