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An Evening with the Mark Morris Dance Group

An Evening with the Mark Morris Dance Group


Mark Morris Dance Group


ICA, Boston, Massachusetts


Thursday, January 22, 2015 - 6:30pm



Mark Morris Dance Group

An Evening with the Mark Morris Dance Group

6:30pm - 10:00pm

Evening will begin at Sam's at Louis, Performance will be at ICA

Boston Massachusetts

MMDG returns to the ICA for the first time since 2007 for a not-to-be-missed program of Boston premieres in an intimate theater setting.


Mark Morris Dance Group Board Members Ellen Offner and Allan Bufferd, together with Arnie Offner, Rhea Bufferd, and Roz and Wally Bernheimer invite you to

An Evening with the Mark Morris Dance Group

Pre-performance reception and talk followed by a not-to-be-missed program of Boston premieres in an intimate theater setting.

6:30pm Food and Drink
7:15pm Talk with Mark Morris

Sam's at Louis, 60 Northern Avenue, Boston

8:00pm Performance in the Barbara Lee Family Foundation Theater
at the ICA, 100 Northern Avenue, Boston


Italian Concerto (2007) music by J.S. Bach

A Wooden Tree (2012) music and words by Ivor Cutler

Jenn and Spencer (2013) music by Henry Cowell

Words (2014) music by Felix Mendelssohn


Tickets to this event are $250 each  ($150 tax-deductible) and proceeds benefit MMDG's New Works Fund and Community Programs.

To attend, contact Sara Sessions at 718.624.8400 x206, sara.sessions@mmdg.org

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