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Announcing Fall and Winter Workshops at Movement Research

Announcing Fall and Winter Workshops at Movement Research


Movement Research


Movement Research at Eden's Expressway, 55 Avenue C, NYC


Saturday, October 4, 2014 - 5:00pm
Saturday, October 11, 2014 - 5:00pm
Saturday, October 18, 2014 - 5:00pm
Sunday, October 5, 2014 - 2:00pm
Sunday, October 12, 2014 - 2:00pm
Sunday, October 19, 2014 - 2:00pm
Saturday, November 1, 2014 - 5:00pm
Saturday, November 8, 2014 - 5:00pm
Saturday, November 15, 2014 - 5:00pm



Movement Research

Movement Research is excited to announce the workshop lineup for the Fall 2014 / Winter 2015 Season.

Online registration is now open on www.movementresearch.org. We highly recommend registering in advance; all workshops have limited capacity.


Mårten Spångberg

October 4, 11, 18  SAT  5-8pm $90 (Advanced Registration Required)

Choreography = Possibility / Dance = Potentiality

This workshop - practices and examples, thinking and more examples - zoom in on the 2014 rise of dance "detached" from choreography and signification. A dance produced in a post-critical environment gaining momentum through contemporary phenomena, spiritual practices, digital interfaces and current modes of remixing, editing and combining. Today experience the coming of Dance 2.0, a dancing that can allow itself a proactive incompatibility with tradition and representation and we dance together.


October 5, 12, 19  SUN 2-4pm $5 each (No Registration Required)

Wait A Second, The Mood Is Dancy, Theory Without Boox, We Will Hear

If we do it on the floor maybe it'll work better? Or we could, I dunno... it's not so important but I really like if you come. For serious. Like exorcism light and there'll be like blankets if you wanna have a nap. Maybe also like the mouthier version of La Substance... like the making-of but through talking. Theory in the studio, or studio theory but without study - kind of the same as dance - because it's great and we like. Really far from NYU closer to Whole Foods really almost next to alchemy and nail polish.

Mårten Spångberg is a choreographer living and working in Stockholm. His interests concern choreography in an expanded field, something approached through experimental practices and creative process in multiplicity of formats and expressions. His last work La Substance... commissioned by MoMA PS1 was presented in the PS1 Dome, Spring 2014. In 2011 he published the controversial book "Spangbergianism."


Susan Mar Landau

November 1, 8, 15 SAT 5-8pm $90

Movement Research at Eden's Expressway

Questionable Journeys: A workshop on the relationship between inquiry and practice in the making of performance.

"What can be analyzed in my work, or criticized, are the questions." (John Cage)

In this workshop participants will address questions related to their own choreographic practice while simultaneously being challenged to step outside of their current path of inquiry in order to return to it with fresh artistic perspectives. During the workshop, each participant will develop a short work in progress. Through a process of sharing work, constructive feedback, and group discussion, participants will formulate and revise questions of artistic inquiry to further and deepen their practical investigation.

Susan Mar Landau is a New York City based dramaturg and interdisciplinary artist. As a dramaturg she has collaborated with choreographers Vanessa Anspaugh, Aretha Aoki, Maximilian Balduzzi, Daria FaiIAˆn, Levi Gonzalez, Emily Johnson and Carlos Maria Romero. Landau holds a BA from Hampshire College, a MA in Performance Design and Practice from Central Saint Martins College of Art and Design, University of London, and a Graduate Certificate in Performance and Interactive Media Arts from CUNY.   





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