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Apply now for the 2015 Collaborations in Dance Festival

Apply now for the 2015 Collaborations in Dance Festival


Triskelion Arts


106 Calyer Street, Brooklyn, NY 11222


Monday, June 1, 2015 - 12:00pm



Triskelion Arts

Triskelion Arts seeks premiere movement-based work that features a strong collaboration with an artist of another medium, such as film, music, theater, etc. for the 7th Annual Collaborations in Dance Festival, running from October 15 to 18, 2015. ALL SUBMISSIONS WILL BE CONSIDERED, and will be chosen on the basis of quality of work, nature of the collaboration, and appropriateness for the event. Participants in the festival will be presented on one or more evenings. This is not a paid opportunity but there is no cost to apply. Application deadline is June 1, 2015. To apply, visit: www.triskelionarts.org/the-7th-annual-collabfest.

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