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Asterial Dance and NSquared Dance present CAPTIVA

Asterial Dance and NSquared Dance present CAPTIVA


Asterial Dance and NSquared Dance


Hudson Guild Theatre
441 W. 26th St.
New York, NY 10001


Thursday, November 19, 2015 - 8:00pm
Friday, November 20, 2015 - 8:00pm
Saturday, November 21, 2015 - 8:00pm
Sunday, November 22, 2015 - 5:00pm



Asterial Dance and NSquared Dance

Two New York-based contemporary dance companies, Megan Lynn/Asterial Dance and Nick Neagle's N Squared Dance Company, present CAPTIVA, a compelling movement event! Asterial Dance will be presenting She Stood at the Door and Knocked, an evening length work that follows the 5 different stories of women in transition and captures Asterial's innovative use of props. NSquared Dance will be presenting 2 world premieres and 2 original works, highlighted the company's innate fluid style. Both companies strive to create highly athletic works that are intellectually and aesthetically engaging, as well as entertaining to audiences of all ages and walks of life. 

November 19-22, 2015
Thurs, Fri, Sat 8 pm
Sun 5 pm 
Tickets: $20 General, $15 Students/Seniors
Hudson Guild Theatre 
441 W. 26th St. 
New York, NY 10001

Thursday Nov 19th is A Preview Performance with Fall 2015 Upsurge Platform Choreographers. There will be an
Artist Talk Back following the performance. 

Asterial Dance 
Artistic Director: Megan Lynn 
Dancing Artists: Lauren Bovia, Katie Heckman, Megan Lynn, Sarah Muskat, Sarah Rose, Kristen Stuart, and Zoe Thomas

N Squared Dance 
Artistic Director: Nick Neagle
Dancing Artists: Coming Soon! 

She Stood At the Door and Knocked 
(Asterial Dance, World Premiere, 55 min) 
This work is comprised of 5 different stories that highlight women caught in the midst of life's transitions. Using scenic elements, freestanding doors, closed and open opportunities are represented and the characters explore their responses to them. The women battle internal hurdles of hesitation, longing, and fear as well as external obstacles and adversity. Each experiences a shift in feelings and situations becoming stumbling blocks to empowering steps forward. 

The piece raises the audience to question...
How do we know if a door is meant for us to pursue, enter, or leave alone? 
Does our own anxiety or the amount of challenge we face mean anything directionally? 
How long is long enough to pursue a closed door before letting go and moving on? 

(NSquared Dance, 2015, 10 min) 

(NSquared Dance, World Premiere) 

The Lark and the Nightingale 
(NSquared Dance, World Premiere)

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