
Anabella Lenzu/DanceDrama
Audition for Anabella Lenzu/DanceDrama
Looking for 3 female dancers & 1 male dancer with:
* Strong Technique
* Individual Presence
* Versatility in terms of dance forms and styles (modern, ballet, folkdance)
New York season with the potential for a long-term commitment
*Free Weekly Company Class. * Paid Performances.
Auditions will be Saturday, January 30th , 1:30 - 4:30 PM
at Peridance Capezio Center (126 E 13th Street, between 3rd and 4th Ave, one block south of Union Square)
Rehearsals begin February 5th for performances on June, 2010.
To audition, register by e-mail:
-Please bring resume and photo.
Anabella Lenzu/DanceDrama is thought provoking and historically conscious dance-theater, breaking down the wall separating artist from audience. Based in New York, the mission of AL/DD is to establish and develop a cultural, educational and artistic exchange between the communities of the United States, Argentina & Italy.
Lenzu crosses sociopolitical and cultural barriers, promoting dance and art education through teaching and performing.
AL/DD explores themes of collective memory, individual identity, and social awareness by having dancers and audience fuse in a psychological and emotional experience. The repertory is an uncommon blend of modern dance, theater, ballet and ethnographic folk traditions.
Looking for 3 female dancers & 1 male dancer with:
* Strong Technique
* Individual Presence
* Versatility in terms of dance forms and styles (modern, ballet, folkdance)