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Audition: Attention Dancers!

Audition: Attention Dancers!


Friday, September 14, 2012 - 9:00am

This Saturday! Contradiction Auditions!

Contradiction Dance
This Saturday!

Contradiction Auditions!    
Contradiction Dance is seeking professional male and female dancers for the 2012-13 season. 
Dancers should have training and experience in any of the
following techniques: contemporary modern, contact
improvization, ballet, jazz, and/or hip-hop.
A background in movement theatre or acting is a plus. 

Saturday, September 15
1:30 p.m.
 Round House Theatre
Education Center

925 Wayne Avenue
Silver Spring, MD

Email headshot, body shot, and resume to kelly@contradictiondance.com prior to the audition
. Dancers must be 18 and older. 

Learn more about Contradiction Dance.  

Visit our website. View our photos. See our videos.


Questions? Contact info@contradictiondance.com.
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