BALLET HISPANICO completes RBF\'s First Dance Residency with Performance on 8/14
Ballet Hispanico
Ballet Hispanico, recognized as the nation’s leading Latino dance organization since 1970, will perform on the Kykuit Tennis Lawn at The Pocantico Center, 200 Lake Road, Pocantico Hills, NY, on Wednesday, August 14, 2013 at 6:30pm. A reception will follow the performance. Tickets are 0 and can be purchased at The Company will perform an excerpt from the work-in-progress created during its residency at The Pocantico in May and perform other selections from their repertory, including excerpts from Sortijas, Jardi Tancat and Mad’moiselle.
Ballet Hispanico was the inaugural company in the Rockefeller Brothers Fund's (RBF) first dance residency as part of the Pocantico Arts Collaborative this spring. Ballet Hispanico, one of two dance companies awarded the RBF’s Charles E. Culpeper Arts and Culture Grant, developed a new choreographic work as part of its residency program at The Pocantico Center. Wednesday’s performance will include an excerpt of the work-in-progress.