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BAM Next Wave Festival: ODC/Dance presents "boulders and bones"

BAM Next Wave Festival: ODC/Dance presents "boulders and bones"




Brooklyn Academy of Music - BAM


Wednesday, October 25, 2017 - 7:30pm daily through October 28, 2017




boulders and bones
Oct 25—Oct 28, 2017

Choreography by Brenda Way and KT Nelson

Part of the 2017 Next Wave Festival

In towering timelapse video, the dusty gestation of British land artist Andy Goldsworthy’s hillside sculpture Culvert Cairn unfolds. As a capstone rises to top the imposing monument, a group of lithe bodies emerges from behind the screen. In this meditation on permanence and decay by Bay Area-based choreographers Brenda Way and KT Nelson, the dancers of ODC/Dance leap and glide through the geologic evocations of RJ Muna’s cinematic mise-en-scène. Driven by cellist Zoë Keating’s propulsive live score, boulders and bones reveals the high drama simmering beneath Goldsworthy’s quiet earthen articulations.

Original music by Zoë Keating
Video by RJ Muna
Lighting and scenic design by Alexander V. Nichols


Photo: Marie-Pier Frigon  

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