BAX Hosts Art By Construction Workers: Out of Plumb

BAX | Brooklyn Arts Exchange
is excited to announce
OUT OF PLUMB: Art by Construction Workers
May 5 to June 22, 2014
Reception, Sunday June 22 from 12 to 2 pm
Out of Plumb is a curated collection of art by construction workers. This unique group of artists became friends while working in the trades. After fourteen years of monthly dinner meetings and taking turns cooking for each other in their homes, they have not felt compelled to name their group, but they did feel compelled to make art. They encourage and support each other in the endeavor of art-making and in all aspects of their lives. Once a year, they mount a group show at Brooklyn Arts Exchange and invite the community to view their work, which uses variety of mediums and found objects.They enjoy the diversity of styles, and it always seems to look good hanging collectively throughout the BAX building.
This curated collection features work by Fred Becker, Art Cabrera, Chris Carlson, Greg Davidek, Shawn Gargagliano, Kent Johnson, Aki Kumono, Ron Mitkowski, and more.
Visit to learn more about Out of Plumb or visit BAX at 421 5th Avenue, Brooklyn between the hours of 9am - 6pm to view the works. Admission free.
Founded in 1991, BAX |Brooklyn Arts Exchange, is a community based performing arts center dedicated to developing artists of all ages, from children to professionals. The organization offers community access to arts and culture, supporting the creation of new work by emerging artists, engaging diverse audiences and providing arts education to youth and families. BAX has intentionally constructed an environment where children study and professional artists create under the same roof. Students are mentored by professional directors and choreographers. The organization's distinct focus on developmental process makes it a nurturing incubator for experimental dance and theater artists and is an important advocate for under-represented voices in the New York City performing arts community.
For more information about BAX and its programs please call 718-832-0018, email or visit us on the web at