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Ballet Hispánico B Unidos Instagram Video Series Week 6

Ballet Hispánico B Unidos Instagram Video Series Week 6


Ballet Hispánico


Ballet Hispánico
167 W 89th St, New York, NY 10024
New York, NY 10024


Monday, April 27, 2020 - 3:00pm



Ballet Hispánico

Ballet Hispánico continues B Unidos, its Instagram video series, today on Motivational Monday with a message from Eduardo Vilaro, Artistic Director and CEO of Ballet Hispánico and Annabelle Lopez Ochoa's Tiburones Facebook Watch Party Wednesday, April 29, 2020 at 7pm at www.instagram.com/ballethispanico/.

This week's content continues unless otherwise noted.


Take Action Tuesday 4/28:

- The School of Dance offers an 11am activity for Pasitos (children ages 2-5); a 1pm activity for Pre-Ballet (age 5); Intermediate/Advanced Ballet Barre with Blanca Huertas-Agnew at 3pm on Instagram TV; and Open Level Vogue Class with Jason Rodriguez at 5pm on Instagram LIVE.


Wepa Wednesday 4/29:

- 3pm ET: Open Level Samba Class with Company Dancer, Dandara Veiga on Instagram TV.

- 7pm ET: Facebook Watch Party of Tiburones by Annabelle Lopez Ochoa followed by Choreographers & Cocktails - a LIVE Q&A discussion with Eduardo Vilaro and the choreographer, Annabelle Lopez Ochoa. Watch this Company performance LIVE with us on Facebook, YouTube, or view on our website.Watch this Company performance LIVE on Facebook or view on the website.


Therapeutic Thursday 4/30:

- 5pm ET: Open Level Foot Articulation & Conditioning with Blanca Huertas-Agnew on Instagram TV.


Flashback Friday:

- 11am ET: A retrospective look back at the 1990s from Ballet Hispánico archives of videos and photos, with a request for followers to share their archives with the company.


Tiburones (2019)
World Premiere: November 22, 2019 at the Apollo Theater
This production was made possible by support from contributors to the Perry Granoff New Works Project.

Choreography by Annabelle Lopez Ochoa
Music by Pérez Prado, Dizzy Gillespie, and The Funky Lowlives
Compositions by James Bigbee Garver
Costume Design by Mark Zappone
Lighting Design by Joshua Paul Weckesser

In Tiburones, Annabelle Lopez Ochoa addresses the discrimination and stereotypes placed upon Latinx culture and the power the media has in portraying these themes by diminishing the voices of Latinx artists. Ochoa will deconstruct gender roles and identity to revitalize an authentic perspective of Puerto Rican icons appropriated within the entertainment industry.



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