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Baryshnikov Arts Center Presents Rachid Ouramdane

Baryshnikov Arts Center Presents Rachid Ouramdane


Rachid Ouramdane


New York, NY


Thursday, October 13, 2016 - 8:00pm daily through October 15, 2016



Rachid Ouramdane

Baryshnikov Arts Center Presents

Rachid Ouramdane

TORDRE (WROUGHT) (U.S. Premiere)
Oct 13-15, 2016

Rachid Ouramdane is at the forefront of dance innovation, extending definitions of performer and choreographer and blurring the line between dance and documentary. In a haunting duet, two dancers perform lonely, intensely physical solos. Through hypnotic, whirling gestures, each woman’s body paints a raw, captivating self-portrait. 

Co-presented with French Institute Alliance Française (FIAF)’s Crossing the Line Festival and CCN2 – Centre chorégraphique national de Grenoble. Part of BRIDGING, an initiative supported by the Edmond de Rothschild Foundations.

Additional Events:

Oct 11-14
Movement Research Workshop with Rachid Ouramdane + Annie Hanauer
Abrons Art Center
More Info

Oct 15 at 5PM
Pre-performance talk with Rachid Ouramdane
Baryshnikov Arts Center, Jerome Robbins Theater

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