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Benefit Party & Performance

Benefit Party & Performance


Above and Beyond Dance


Manhattan Movement and Arts Center


Sunday, June 19, 2011 - 3:00pm



Above and Beyond Dance

On June 19 at 3pm, Above and Beyond Dance will hold its 2011 Benefit Party/Performance at Manhattan Movement and Arts Center.  MMAC is located at 248 W. 60th St. (btw Amsterdam & West End).  The afternoon will provide an introduction to this year's cast and a preview of works from the Company's upcoming season, in a festive environment complete with drinks, hors d'oeuvres and a silent auction.  All proceeds will support RAW, the company's third season of circus-infused dance, to open in October 2011 at MMAC.

The afternoon's entertainment will include a sneak peek at RAW, a new work featuring four dancer-aerialists in heavy weight span sets.  The Artistic Director will also present her newly-choreographed aerial silk solo, Absentia.  Rounding out the program will be several solos by company dancers Fernando Francisco (static trapeze), Tomomi Imai (modern dance) and Lisa Natoli (aerial rope). 

There is sure to be something to tempt everyone in the afternoon's silent auction.  Items range from jewelry to yoga and movement classes, and more.  Pre- bidding on these items is open at :  www.aboveandbeyonddance.com/company/auction2011.htm    All final bidding will take place at the Benefit.

Benefit tickets are 5.  For reservations, please email  info@AboveAndBeyondDance.com or call (917) 974-7216.

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