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Breakfast Mix: An Edgy Long Table

Breakfast Mix: An Edgy Long Table


Quebec Cultural Services in New York


Abrons Arts Center
466 Grand St
New York, NY


Thursday, June 9, 2016 - 10:30am



Quebec Cultural Services in New York

Thursday, June 9, 10:30am–12:30pm

Breakfast Mix: An Edgy Long Table


Free event

Reservations required: newdancealliance@gmail.com


A festival tradition: Observe and/or converse with “edgy” artists on how Canadian and American economic/political contexts influence creative practices and production, as you assess who makes the best bagel: Montreal or New York?

The Long Table is a public forum, a hybrid performance installation/roundtable/discussion/dinner party designed to facilitate dialogue through the gathering together of people with common interests. Developed by Lois Weaver, the Long Table questions ingrained institutional boundaries, while providing a democratic forum for intimate exchange. People are invited to either simply observe around the table or to take a seat and participate.

This event is hosted by the Quebec Cultural Services in New York.

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