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Brendan Connelly and Scotty Heron: "Appalachian Spring Break"

Brendan Connelly and Scotty Heron: "Appalachian Spring Break"


Brendan Connelly and Scotty Heron


Abrons Arts Center
New York, NY


Friday, September 16, 2016 - 8:00pm weekly through September 25, 2016



Brendan Connelly and Scotty Heron

Appalachian Spring Break is the first collaboration of composer/musician Brendan Connelly (Obie-winning Theater of a Two-Headed Calf) and Bessie-winning choreographer/performance artist Scotty Heron – a staple of the downtown scene in the 80’s and 90’s.

Connelly and Heron play with the iconic, confused and clichéd relationship of choreographer and composer, glancing sideways at Martha Graham and Aaron Copland’s only collaboration and its sepia-toned Americana. The lines of collaboration are gleefully blurred in this duet, where all movement, sound and light are generated and manipulated by the onstage duo.

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