Broadway Mall Association's "A Rite of Spring" at Symphony Space
Dancing in celebration of the uplifting beauty of New York City's urban landscape!
Broadway Mall Association's A Rite of Spring
Tue, Jun 4 at 8 pm |
"A Rite of Spring," features performances by a fantastic cross section of NYC dance companies who will dance in celebration of the uplifting beauty of New York City's urban landscape! The program includes: Ballet Hispanico's BHdos, The Bang Group, The Celebration Team from National Dance Institute, Racoco/Rx, Time Lapse Dance, and dancers from a collaboration between Liz Lerman and Urban Bush Women's Jawole Willa Jo Zollar. This year’s performance is dedicated to Madeleine F. Polayes, a long-time Upper West Side community leader and former Broadway Mall Association board member.
Proceeds will be used to support the Broadway Mall Association's horticultural and community programs, public art exhibitions and winter lighting. Broadway Mall Association is a not-for-profit organization.
Timelapse: Julie Lemberger
Racoco: Karen de Luna
BANG group: Nicholas Burnham