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CALIFORNIA: Audition Workshop: Mon April 21 – Tues 22, 2014

CALIFORNIA: Audition Workshop: Mon April 21 – Tues 22, 2014


Axis Dance Company


1428 Alice St., Oakland, CA


Monday, April 21, 2014 - 8:00pm
Tuesday, April 22, 2014 - 8:00pm

Axis Dance Company

AXIS is auditioning for Apprentices & Company Members with Disabilities
Monday April 21 – Tuesday April 22, 2014 – Time: TBD
(please note the Jan 11, 2014 Audition has been rescheduled)
1428 Alice St., Oakland, CA
Deadline to Apply: March 1, 2014


AXIS Dance Company is seeking highly motivated, open-minded, athletic movers with disabilities interested in joining our team as company dancer and/or dance apprentice. Must have:

Strong Movement, Improvisation, Partnering Skills
Stage speaking skills
Passion for physically integrated dance
Genuine interest in dance education and teaching

- See more at: http://axisdance.org/apply/#sthash.uqUiFVZ4.dpuf


About the Company & Position:
AXIS is a dynamic contemporary dance company comprised of dancers with and without physical disabilities that has been active in the Bay Area, nationally, and internationally since 1987.  Our award winning repertory includes works by internationally renowned choreographers Bill T Jones, David Dorfman. Ann Carlson, Sonya Delwaide, Joe Goode, Alex Ketley, Victoria Marks, Stephen Petronio, Margaret Jenkins and AXIS company members.

Our eclectic dance vocabulary results in a repertory spanning risky and dynamic partnering work; quirky and humorous dance theater pieces; and lush, formal ensemble work. AXIS also maintains an extensive dance education program Dance Access and a youth component Dance Access/KIDS! All AXIS dancers participate in youth performances, assembly programs and teaching youth and adults of all abilities. AXIS dancers also serve as ambassadors for AXIS’ mission and work at home and on tour.

Upcoming projects for 2014 include a new work by UK choreographer Marc Brew as well as understudying roles in other repertory work. AXIS creates, performs and teaches year-round locally and throughout the US. Rehearsals are three to five times a week.

AXIS provides a competitive salary, healthcare, as well as monthly stipends for professional development and transportation.

Contract start date TBD and requires a minimum commitment through 2015.

About the Audition:
In order to be invited to attend audition, you must Apply Online Here AND send your resume with YouTube or Vimeo links by March 1, 2014 to Judith Smith, Artistic Director to judy@axisdance.org.  

Audition will consist of warm up, repertory, improvisation, solo and partnering work. Dancers may be asked back for additional audition or time with Company.

Questions? Contact Artistic Director, Judith Smith: judy@axisdance.org or 510-625-0110


*AXIS is not responsible for arranging or contributing to any cost related to transportation to audition.

- See more at: http://axisdance.org/apply/#sthash.uqUiFVZ4.dpuf

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