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COIL 2017 Festival: "Worktable" by Kate McIntosh / SPIN

COIL 2017 Festival: "Worktable" by Kate McIntosh / SPIN


Kate McIntosh / SPIN


The Invisible Dog Art Center
Brooklyn, NY


Thursday, January 5, 2017 - 12:00pm daily through January 7, 2017
Monday, January 9, 2017 - 12:00pm daily through January 7, 2017
Sunday, January 8, 2017 - 11:00am daily through January 7, 2017



Kate McIntosh / SPIN


Kate McIntosh / SPIN (Belgium)

Live Installation | US Premiere

Co­presented with The Invisible Dog Art Center


The Invisible Dog Art Center, 51 Bergen Street in Brooklyn

Jan 5 – 7 & 9 from 12­-8pm, Jan 8 from 11-­7pm

Live Installation

45­60 minutes



“The object becomes a totem to the potential that we all hold to continue the cycle of destruction and renewal of ideas and objects, with all the pathos and hope that entails.” ­ James Smith, This is Tomorrow (UK)

Worktable is a live installation that contemplates and completes acts of creation and destruction using every day, domestic objects. Sign up to enter and stay as long as you like. Once inside Worktable, you are given instructions, equipment and safety goggles. It's up to you to decide how things come apart.

Kate McIntosh is an artist based in Brussels, originally from New Zealand, working across the boundaries of performance, theatre, video and installation.  Originally trained in dance, McIntosh has performed internationally since 1995 appearing in the work of many internationally­acclaimed directors and currently tours her own performance and installation work around Europe, Australasia, Asia and the Americas – while this is her first appearance in the USA. Together with Diederik Peeters, Hans Bryssinck and Ingrid Vranken, McIntosh is a founding member of SPIN ­ an artist­ run production and research platform in Brussels, who also organize publications and events for knowledge exchange.

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